A. Pentecostal Church – The First wave of the Holy Spirit – 1906
1. Beginning of Pentecostal Churches.
2. People like Charles Parham (evangelist and faith healer) and William Seymour, led this outpouring of grace.
3. Azusa Street Revival, 1906-1915 – beginning of Pentecostalism
a. led by Seymour, saw hundreds of healings
b. Movement Produced Evangelists around the world
c. They believed that Acts 2 is being fulfilled in their midst, centuries later
B. Second wave – Charismatic renewal – late 1960’s – late 1970’s
1. Release of the Spirit – Points us to Jesus
2. A filling of God’s love (like Apostles at Pentecost, Paul, Stephen, Timothy, Pricilla etc
3. Ecumenism – bringing denominations together by common experience
a. 75,000 attending interdenominational conferences
b. “That they May Be One.” Pope John Paul on Ecumenism
c. Spiritual Gifts – healing Prophecy, Words, tongues Healing (Francis MacNutt pioneer), Evangelization, Community living among the lay.
C. Third Wave – Vineyard and Toronto – late 1980’s early 1990’s
1. Revealing the Father
a. A Father’s Love
b. A Merciful Father – no unforgivable sin
c. A Caring and Comforting Father – especially for those feeling beaten down or worthless
d. Across Denominations
e. The Spiritual Gifts – Healing, evangelization (more signs and wonders)
D. Why is this history important as we celebrate Pentecost?
1. Pentecost Story fills us with a “Sense of Awe in God” (Acts 2).
2. Pentecost reminds us: The Holy Spirit is at work today in a mighty way (Acts 2:39)
3. Pentecost recalls Jesus’s promise (Acts 1:5; 8) and the power of the Holy Spirit.
4. Pentecost gives us hope. Millions upon millions of people have been touched – and many by these three waves of the Spirit – and the Spirit is at work today
5. Pentecost tells us that, by the Spirit, we can “Turn the world upside down” (Acts 17:9)
6. Let us never let ourselves be sucked into the world – when it stands against God’s will.
7. Scripture says: “Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we profess, for God can be trusted to keep his promise” (Hebrew 10:23).