Recap of Legacy Conference
- We hosted the annual Legacy Conference this weekend
- 85 Young Adults from across North America: OH, MI, MN, NJ, TX, CO, AZ, IN, MD, WA, Costa Rica, Mexico including 10 from Jax
- Talks (except 1), worship, everything led by young adults
- Conference talks geared toward evangelizing young adults and building community among them in today’s fluid/chaotic culture.
- Several of you helped a lot
- Daniel was emcee, many helped with transportation and coordinating rec activities – some helped totally behind the scenes, worthy of special honor (1 Cor 12:23)
- I got glowing reviews of how our community went out of our way to be hospitable
- Lord smiled on us, weather was beautiful Saturday
- Young professionals on mission
- One 2-hr session all about discussing a strategic process for reaching this age group for Christ
- YPs are the largest demographic in US and have the lowest rate of church attendance
- But they’re hungry for real community and what the Lord is doing among my generation is beautiful
- YPOs run by young people in the communities are beginning to flourish
- People are coming to know Jesus Christ and some are making commitments to community life
- We’re leaving with some things to think about for our outreach to young professionals
- Consistent events, goal of helping new people start 3 new friendships their first night, + a whole process that’s too much to go into now
III. A prophetic word
- One of the speakers reminded all of us young people of a prophetic word given to the communities decades ago that I believe speaks to us here in Jacksonville
- “I tell you, you are a part and you are not the whole… There are many other things that I am doing in this world today, there are many other ways that I am at work to raise up my people in strength and in glory… I want you to take your part seriously and to lay your lives down for it, but I want you to understand that only I see the entire plan, only I see every front of this battle.”
- I’m leaving the conference encouraged that many in my generation have caught the vision of what God is doing
- We’re not perfect, in some ways we’re immature – but I believe God is building the house
- Lord personally spoke to me
- During Sat night PM: “I want to take you deeper”
- I want to go deeper in my prayer life and relationship with the Lord – my prayer this morning
- It was very moving walking into a room in Jax (a mile from my house) with 85 young adults passionately worshipping the Lord and committed to one another
- Last picture
- I dared to dream a huge dream for me (very small for God): What if our young adult outreach looked like this? What if our community looked like this?
- Not all about YPs: I learned that other communities are doing married couple outreaches, men’s retreats, groups for women and widows
- Imagine this for a moment…
- It’s a big dream only God can fulfill. It’s a costly
- But do our lives really belong to Jesus?
- Is he really raising up communities in the earth today?
- Is he calling us to lay down our lives joyfully in obedience to him?
- Does the world need what we have been given?
- Yes
- During Sat night PM: “I want to take you deeper”